5x5 Megaminx Moves &. Tricks

Homan Huang
12 min readApr 29, 2021


😄: Relax…Let’s play 5x5 Mageminx at the weekend. Uh…Actually, this is a different type of code in cubie shape. I will make cube-turns looking like a programming code.

Cube’s Rotation: ↩️ → Variable; ↪️ → Variable`

— === MENU === —

💙 1. Build Around the Hearts
➗ 2.
Form the Edges
✔️ 3–1.
Diagonal Swap of Edge Pieces (R → L)
✔️ 3–2.
Diagonal Swap of Edge Pieces (L → R)
👶 4.
Create the First Face
🐣 5.
Second Layer
🐋 6.
Third Layer
🍋 7.
Last Layer: Flip Edges
🍉 8.
Last Layer: Flip Corners
🍑 9.
Edges Permutation
🍓 10.
Matching Final Corners
👑 11.
Summary Moves of Meganinx

💙 1. Build Around the Hearts …… → Menu

To solve a mixed colors Megaminx, we always need to solve the hearts at first.

Each face has its own letter.

This is an assembled heart. 5x5 is easy, you only need to build the same color around the heart.

  • Starting the second heart, you have to remember to shift backward after you shift forward; or another way around.
  • The only trick is the final line of the heart like this:

Let the single one join first. And you can use the full heart side to join the even. Assign:

  • leftList = L, L1; Let … L1 = l (most cubies use)
  • rightList = R1, R; Let … R1 = r (most cubies use)
  • edge = L, l, M, r, R
A: l⬇️, F`⬅️; ️B: l`⬆️; C: U⬅️
D: l⬇️; E: F➡️, l`⬆️; F: U`➡️, l⬇️

➗ 2. Form the Edges …… → Menu

Moves: Ll`, U, L`, U`, Ll

To combine the edges with the same color, you need to rotate the finished edge left or right to replace it with the not combined edge. These moves contain double layers: Ll.

✔️ 3-1. Diagonal Swap of Edge Pieces (R → L) …… → Menu

Edge Facing You Position: Y⬅️ (the whole piece turns left), you’ll have a split view: U | u | L | R

  • fun croX() = L↘️, R`↙️, L`↖️, R↗️ (down, down, up, up)
  • fun luv() = L`↖️, U⬅️, L↘️

Turns: uU ➡️, croX(), luv(), uU`⬅️

We have double layers turn in here, such as uU. You need to move the top layer “U” and the second layer “u” at the same time.

By the way, you can think about these turns as uU-X-Luv-uU` ← You X-Love You.

✔️3–2. Diagonal Swap of Edge Pieces (L → R) …… → Menu

Edge Facing You Position: Y`➡️(the whole piece turns right)

Turns: uU`⬅️, croX(), luv(), uU ➡️
This time is uU`-X-Lov-uU.

👶 4. Create the First Face …… → Menu

After you matched the edges, you can start to create face. I’ll pick white face for my starting face.

Matching Edge of First Face

Matching Corners

Easy case: Face color is not on the top

If you found the matching color of left-most image, move the corner to the opposite side, so you can move it in.

Hard case: Face color is on the top

From the left to the right, set the top white at the middle:
P1… R ← It moves to the right.
P2 … U2 ← It moves to left.
P2 … R`← Move the white edge back.
P3 … U`2 ← It moves to right.
P3 … L`← Move the white edge up.
P4 … U ← Merge corner with edge.
P4 … L ← You’re done.

🐣 5. Second Layer …… → Menu

The vertical edges close to the first face are called 2nd layer.

Like the middle one, we need to find the Purle|Green .

To insert to the edge, you need to prepare the correct edge at the circled spots. The color of the edge facing you shall be placed at the side of the face with the same color. Check the above image, the purple edge is at the correct spot.

P1 … P4: Enter from Right

P1: … L`… U
P2: … L
P3: … U … R
P4: … U` … R`

P1 … P4: Enter from Left

P1: … R … U`
P2: … R`
P3: … U` … L`
P4: … U … L

🐋 6. Third Layer …… → Menu

The third layer has three parts. You need to finish them by order.

Tip #1

The tip corner has shared same color of three faces. For example,

Edge #2

The edge has the right color but it’s on the wrong side of the tip. You need to depart tip and the edge for at least one edge apart. For example, from above image, you’ll do: … F`R`F R F →

Edge → Right side of Tip

P1 … P3: Insert to the Right side of the Tip

P1: … R L → Hide tip to the left tip
P2: … R2 L` → Merge
P3: … R` → Back to the tip

Edge → Left side of the Tip

P1 … P3: Insert to the Left side of the Tip

P1: … L` R` → Hide tip to the right tip
P2: … L` R → Merge
P3: … L → Back to the tip

Tip #3

You need to finish all of the ( Tip #1 + its side edges ) at first. You need to insert the tip same move like the First Face. And you need to finish the vertical edges until the last layer.

🍋 7. Last Layer: Flip Edges …… → Menu

Solving the last layer of all types of Megaminx is the same. You need to choose the corner first or the edges first.

Move Instruction

Like this,

Flip the Edges

All of the Edges must be the same color as the center.


  • fun ru(): … R↗️, U⬅️, R`↙️, U`➡️
  • fun edge(): … F↩️, ru(), F`↪️

There two cases: Adjacent + Opposite

Flip Adjacent Edges: case#1, case#2

Case 1(left): … edge() x 2

Case 2(right): … edge(), U2, edge()

Flip Opposite Edges

case#3: … edge()

Summary: No matter which case of edge, you just need to remember the edge() —— It flips 2 o’clock and 6 o’clock in case#3.

🍉 8. Last Layer: Flip Corners …… → Menu

Flipping corner is easy. Here is the pose letter.

🌕 Single flip function.

  • fun rd(): … R`↙️, D`↙️, R↗️, D↗️LR

Megaminx has five edges. You may flip all corners to recover the side edges.


  • Top color facing sideway: … rd() x 2
  • Top color facing you: … rd() x 4

These are the slowest move. It’s just for practice. You can ignore them.

🔣 Multiple Flip Direction

Functions: U2 = U+U (You rotate top edge twice clockwisely).

  • fun bFish(): … R U2, R`U`, R U`R`
  • fun bFish(L): … L` U`2, L U, L` U L
  • fun sFish(): … R U R`U, R U`2, R`
  • fun sFish(L): … L` U`L U`, L` U2, L

Small Fish (3 adjacent cornors): Direction → Two Yellows → You

  • Formed by bFish(): … R U2, R`U`, R U`R`
    Solve: … sFish()R U R`U, R U`2, R`

Can you see the relationship between bFish() and sFish()?

  • Formed by bFish(L): … L` U`2, L U, L` U L
    Solve: … sFish(L) L` U`L U`, L` U2, L

Big fish (Triangle): Yellow of Tip → Sideway

  • Formed by sFish(): … R U R`U, R U`2, R`
    Solve: … bFish()R U2, R`U`, R U`R`
  • Formed by sFish(L): … L` U`L U`, L` U2, L
    Solve: … bFish(L)L` U`2, L U, L` U L

🙃 2 Opposite Corners Cases(2)

Two points opposite: Yellows → You
Formed by sFish() + sFish(L)

Solve: Yellow facing You (Tip → Left)
sFish() → Big fish() → Adjust Tip… bFish()

If Tip → Right: sFish(L) → Big Fish(L) … bFish(L)

  • Summary: Tip (Yellows → You)
    Right-Handed: … Tip → Left Bottom … sFish() → 2Y` (Tip → Right Bottom) bFish()
    : … Tip → Right Bottom … sFish(L) → 2Y (Tip → Left Bottom) bFish(L)

Two points opposite: Yellow → Sideway
Exercise: You can create this form by bFish() + bFish(L)

Tip → Up: … sFish() → Small Fish (check Yellows) … sFish(L)

  • Summary: Tip(Yellows → Sideway)
    Right-Handed: … Tip → Up … sFish() → Y` (Tip → Left) … sFish(L)
    Left-Handed: … Tip → Up … sFish(L) → Y (Tip → Right) … sFish()

👯 2 Adjacent Corners Cases(2)

Yellows → Sideway: You can create this form by bFish(L) + Tip → Top + bFish()

Side → Top Left:… sFish() → Small Fish(L) Tip @ Top
Tip → Left … sFish(L)

  • Summary: Yellows → Sideway
    Right-Handed: Side → Top Left … sFish() … Y` … sFish(L)
    : Side → Top Right … sFish(L) … Y … sFish()

Yellows → You: Formed by … bFish(L) + Y + bFish()

Yellows → You: sFish(L) … Y` … sFish()

  • Summary: Yellows → You
    Right-Handed: sFish() … Y … sFish(L)
    : sFish(L) … Y` … sFish()

⚡ 4 Adjacent Corners Cases (3)

Case#1: Formed by … 2 x sFish() or 2 x sFish(L)
Two Yellows → You

Solve: 2 x bFish()

Case#2: Formed by … 2 x bFish() or 2 x bFish(L)
No Yellows → You

Solve: Tip → Bottom Left … 2 x sFish()

Case#3: Formed by … bFish() + Y` + sFish(L) or
bFish(L) + Y + sFish()
One Yellow → You

Solve: sFish(L) + Y + bFish()

⭐ Flip 5 Corners cases(2)

Case#1 : Formed by … sFish() + bFish(L)

Solve: … bFish() → Small Fish(L) … sFish(L)

Case#2 : Formed by … bFish() + sFish(L)

Solve: … bFish(L) → Small Fish … sFish()

🍑 9. Edges Permutation …… → Menu


The color rotates in the opposite direction of U.

  • fun r2u2() = R2 U2, R`2, U, R2, U2, R`2

The result of r2u2(): red → pink → blue → red

2 o’clock and 6 o’clock won’t move.

  • fun l2u2() = L`2, U2, L2, U, L`2, U2, L2

The result of l2u2(): red → green → blue → red

10 o’clock and 6 o’clock won’t move.

Case#1, 2 Adjacent Goods + 3 Bads

According to this image, you need to ignore the blue because it’s not at 2 or 10 o’clock. Start at the right Good edge →


Now, you have this,

Case#2, 2 Opposite Goods + 3 Bads

If the top Good edge is on the right , choose the opposite rotation with r2u2().
If the top Good edge is on the left , choose the opposite rotation with l2u2().

For example in the image: r2u2(`): R2 U`2, R`2, U`, R2, U`2, R`2
Substitute U with U`. All edges are fixed.

🍓 10. Matching Final Corners …… → Menu

The final steps are easy. Two functions:

  • fun hid(): … R`… D`… R.
  • fun show(): … R`… D … R

Take a look at the example:

You need to fix 3 corners.

First, hide one down. Let’s take the middle one.

Use hid(): … R`… D`… R.

The circled corner is Yellow|Pink .

Now, dispatch the right corner to here.

Use show(): … R`… D … R

The white circle has fixed. The next one will be in a yellow circle: Orange|Green .

Use hid(). Now, it’s the final move.

Use show() again. You finish!

👑 11. Summary Moves of Meganinx …… → Menu

Final Edges Matching:

Before Last Layer

  • fun croX() = L↘️, R`↙️, L`↖️, R↗️ (down, down, up, up)
  • fun luv() = L`↖️, U⬅️, L↘️

Last Layer

Flip Edges:

  • fun ru(): … R↗️, U⬅️, R`↙️, U`➡️
  • fun edge(): … F↩️, ru(), F`↪️

Fishes: Flip corners

  • fun bFish(): … R U2, R`U`, R U`R`
  • fun bFish(L): … L` U`2, L U, L` U L
  • fun sFish(): … R U R`U, R U`2, R`
  • fun sFish(L): … L` U`L U`, L` U2, L

Two Opposite Corners:
→ 2 Yellows: Tip Left → sFish()
No Yellow: Tip Up → sFish()

Tow Adjacent Corners:
→ 2 Yellows: sFish(L)
2 Side: sFish()

Four Corners:
→ No Yellow: Tip Left → sFish()
2 Yellows: Tip Left → bFish()
1 Yellow: Check Yellow → sFish(L?)

Five Corners → 3 Yellows: bFish(L?)

Edge Mutation:

  • fun r2u2() = R2 U2, R`2, U, R2, U2, R`2
  • fun l2u2() = L`2, U2, L2, U, L`2, U2, L2

Final Corners:

  • fun hid(): … R`… D`… R.
  • fun show(): … R`… D … R


🥳 Have a Good Day!



Homan Huang

Computer Science BS from SFSU. I studied and worked on Android system since 2017. If you are interesting in my past works, please go to my LinkedIn.