Android + OpenCV: Part 10 — Beginning of Face Landmark Detection

Homan Huang
11 min readJun 1, 2020


If you are following my work to Part 8, you shall have your SDK ready. In this part, I will implement Face API to draw the face objects, such as eyes, mouth, and nose.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — == Menu == — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

📸1. Fix Grayscale in Camera View
😄2. FaceMark: Load Library
💠3. Orientation: Fix Rect List
🙂4. 68 Points of Face Landmark
🙈5. Prepare the View for Facemark
🍳6. Fitting the Facemark (Only the Nose)
🆗7. Warning of Non-90 Rotation

📸1. Fix Grayscale in JavaCamera2View

This is a face recognition app. So let’s modify the JavaCamera2View source code. This is the benefit of open-source software. You do DIY your part. I don’t like to rotate and flip the grayscale image in the MainActivity. That doesn’t make sense. So I change JavaCamera2View directly. And JavaCamera2View and JavaCameraView have extended to CameraBridgeViewBase. So you need to make a change for three files.

1️⃣. 👀 CameraBridgeViewBase.

I will search with a word, gray, in this file.

public static final int RGBA = 1;
public static final int GRAY = 2;
protected class CvCameraViewListenerAdapter implements CvCameraViewListener2 {
public Mat onCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrame inputFrame) {
switch (mPreviewFormat) {
case GRAY:
result = mOldStyleListener.onCameraFrame(
public interface CvCameraViewFrame {
* This method returns single channel gray scale Mat with frame
public Mat gray();

There’re three locations. I want a new name: mGray. So the change will be,

public static final int RGBA = 1;
public static final int GRAY = 2;
public static final int MGRAY = 3; // my modified gray
protected class CvCameraViewListenerAdapter implements CvCameraViewListener2 {
public Mat onCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrame inputFrame) {
switch (mPreviewFormat) {
case GRAY:...
case MGRAY: // my style of grayscale
result = mOldStyleListener.
public interface CvCameraViewFrame {
public Mat gray();

* This method returns single channel gray scale Mat with frame
public Mat mGray(); // my gray function

2️⃣. JavaCameraView.

By the change of interface, I need to add a mGray() into JavaCameraFrame{} of JavaCameraView.

private class JavaCameraFrame implements CvCameraViewFrame {
public Mat gray() {
return mYuvFrameData.submat(0, mHeight, 0, mWidth);

@Override // a copy of gray()
public Mat mGray() {
return mYuvFrameData.submat(0, mHeight, 0, mWidth);

I won’t bother to add more code because I don’t use this class. You can copy and paste for gray().

3️⃣. JavaCamera2View

The gray() is also in JavaCameraFrame{}.

private class JavaCamera2Frame implements CvCameraViewFrame {
public Mat gray() {...}...

public JavaCamera2Frame(Image image, int rotation) {
mGray = new Mat();

public void release() {

private Mat mGray;

Well, it has a mGray already. So I use mGr instead.

private class JavaCamera2Frame implements CvCameraViewFrame {
public Mat gray() {...}

// Face detection grayscale image
public Mat mGray() {
Image.Plane[] planes = mImage.getPlanes();
int w = mImage.getWidth();
int h = mImage.getHeight();
assert(planes[0].getPixelStride() == 1);
ByteBuffer y_plane = planes[0].getBuffer();
int y_plane_step = planes[0].getRowStride();

mGr = new Mat(h, w, CvType.CV_8UC1, y_plane, y_plane_step);

switch (mRotation) {
case 0:
Core.rotate(mGr, mGr,
case 180:
Core.rotate(mGr, mGr,
case 270:
Core.flip(mGr, mGr, 0);

return mGr;

public JavaCamera2Frame(Image image, int rotation) {
mGray = new Mat();
mGr = new Mat();
mRotation = rotation;

public void release() {

private Mat mGray;
private Mat mGr;
private int mRotation;

I add a rotation variable to auto-shift the gray orientation.

private void createCameraPreviewSession() {
new ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener() {
public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) {

int rotation = JavaCamera2View.

JavaCamera2Frame tempFrame = new JavaCamera2Frame(
image, rotation);
}, mBackgroundHandler);

The rotation data is from its super class, CameraBridgeViewBase, if you have added the rotation meter in Part 9. Now, you can call inputFrame.mGray().

😄2. FaceMark: Load Library

The Face API has compiled for your project if you have completed Part 8 to build your own SDK. It has a Facemark class to detect the landmark objects on the face.

To use Facemark, we can download a custom model or train your own model. Let’s work with the custom model at first, lbfmodel.yaml. This a text style YAML data set like JSON. Please download and rename lbfmodel.yaml.txt to lbfmodel.yaml. Next, you need to save the file into raw folder. I need some variables for the new raw file.

companion object {
// Face model
private const val FACE_DIR = "facelib"

private const val FACE_MODEL =
private const val FACE_MODEL_ID =

private const val FACEMARK_MODEL =
private const val FACEMARK_MODEL_ID =

private const val byteSize = 4096 // buffer size


Now, let’s load it to the private folder.

var faceModel: File? = null  // face detector model
var fmModel: File? = null // facemark model
private fun loadFaceLib() {
try {
val cascadeInputStream =
val fmInputStream =

// create a private directory
faceDir = getDir(FACE_DIR, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)

// create a model file
faceModel = File(faceDir, FACE_MODEL)
fmModel = File(faceDir, FACEMARK_MODEL)

if (!faceModel!!.exists()) { // copy model
fileCopy(faceModel!!, cascadeInputStream)
assert(faceModel!!.exists() == true ) {
"Out of space! Failed to create $FACE_MODEL"
lgi("Done created: $FACE_MODEL")

if (!fmModel!!.exists()) { // copy model
fileCopy(fmModel!!, fmInputStream)
assert(fmModel!!.exists() == true ) {
"Out of space! Failed to create $FACEMARK_MODEL"
lgi("Done created: $FACEMARK_MODEL")

// initial face detector
faceDetector =
assert(faceDetector != null) {
"Failed to load Cascade Lib!" }
lgd("Cascade libraries load successful.")

// initial face mark detector
fmLbfDectector = Face.createFacemarkLBF()
lgd("Facemark-LBF libraries load successful.")

} catch (e: IOException) {
lge("Error loading cascade face model...$e")


This is the filecopy(),

private fun fileCopy(mFile: File, mIs: InputStream) {
// Output stream
val mOs = FileOutputStream(mFile)

val buffer = ByteArray(byteSize)
var byteRead =
while (byteRead != -1) {
mOs.write(buffer, 0, byteRead)
byteRead =


Please check your Logcat to confirm you have loaded the model file properly. Commit your code and move on.

💠3. Orientation: Fix Rect List

Here is my re-organized code:

I add a class to contain Color and Name of Color.

* Object Color:
* mColor: RGB Scalar
* name: name of color
class ObjColor(c:Scalar, n:String) {
var mColor: Scalar = c
var name: String = n

override fun toString(): String {
return name

So the companion object of MainActivity,

// RGB
val YELLOW = ObjColor(Scalar(255.0, 255.0, 0.0), "Yellow")
val BLUE = ObjColor(Scalar(0.0, 0.0, 255.0), "Blue")
val RED = ObjColor(Scalar(255.0, 0.0, 0.0), "Red")
val GREEN = ObjColor(Scalar(0.0, 255.0, 0.0), "Green")
val PINK = ObjColor(Scalar(255.0, 25.0, 255.0), "Pink")
val BLACK = ObjColor(Scalar(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "Black")
val WHITE = ObjColor(Scalar(242.0, 243.0, 244.0), "White")

The onCameraFrame(),

override fun onCameraFrame(inputFrame: CvCameraViewFrame?): Mat {
if (pCounter == 1000) {
// start time
frameStart = System.currentTimeMillis()

val grayHeight = 480
if (!javaEnabled) {...
} else {
imageMat = inputFrame!!.rgba()

// mat file for face detection
grayMat = inputFrame.mGray()

// detect face rectangle
getFaces( grayHeight, screenRotation )

"Java: $javaEnabled ... "+ pCounter.toString(),
Point(100.0, 100.0),

// end time
frameEnd = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (pCounter < 1000) {
frameRecord[pCounter] = frameEnd - frameStart
return imageMat

The getFaces(),

Draw face rectangles from faceRects
fun getFaces(
grayHeight: Int,
screenRotation: Int
) {
val faceRects = MatOfRect()

// image width & height
val scrW = grayMat.width().toDouble()
val scrH = grayMat.height().toDouble()

val scale = 1.5
val neighbor = 3

// Detect faces
grayMat, // image
faceRects, // array
scale, // scale
neighbor, // min neighbors
0, // flags,
Size(80.0, 80.0), // min size
Size(scrW, scrH) // max size

// Draw face rectangles

// Initial landmarks
val landmarks = ArrayList<MatOfPoint2f>()

// Get landmarks, faceRects, landmarks)

// draw landmarks
for (i in 0 until landmarks.size) {
val mLandmark = landmarks[i]
for (j in 0 until mLandmark.rows()) {
val dp = mLandmark[j, 0]
imageMat, // image
Point(dp[0], dp[1]), // location
2, // radius
GREEN.mColor, // color
-1 // thickness

The drawRects(),

* Draw rectangles from face array
fun drawRects(faceRects: MatOfRect) {
for (rect in faceRects.toArray()) {
val x = rect.x.toDouble()
val y = rect.y.toDouble()
val rw = rect.width.toDouble() // rectangle width
val rh = rect.height.toDouble() // rectangle height

val w = x + rw
val h = y + rh

when (screenRotation) {
0 -> paintFace(x, y, w, h, RED)
90 -> paintFace(x, y, w, h, PINK)
180 -> paintFace(x, y, w, h, YELLOW)
270 -> paintFace(x, y, w, h, GREEN)

No more getRatio(), I will use 1.5 as scale.

And paintFace(),

* Paint one face with rectangle
fun paintFace(
x: Double, //(x, y) coordinate
y: Double,
w: Double, //(w, h) coordinate
h: Double,
color: ObjColor
) {
imageMat, // image
Point(x, y), // upper corner
Point(w, h), // opposite corner
color.mColor, // RGB
2 // line thickness

// dot
imageMat, // image
Point(x, y), // center
4, // radius
BLUE.mColor, // RGB
-1, // thickness: -1 = filled in
8 // line type

If you execute the above code, you can get an error about RIO out of range of non-90 Degree screen.

// Get landmarks, faceRects, landmarks)

You know, I rotate and flip image in camera view before the face is detectable. So the faceRects will cover rectangles out of the screen. I need to re-program the Rect-list for faceRects.

// Re-organize Rects
if (faceRects.toArray().isNotEmpty() && screenRotation != 90) {
val mTranList = TransformRects(
faceRects.toList(), scrW, scrH, screenRotation)
faceRects.fromList( mTranList.newRects )

// Draw face rectangles
// Initial landmarks
val landmarks = ArrayList<MatOfPoint2f>()
// Get landmarks, faceRects, landmarks)

Here is added TransformRects.kt class,

* Transform Rectangles by screen orientation
* newRects: new list of rectangles
* mH: height of image
* rotation: screen orientation
class TransformRects(rectList: MutableList<Rect>,
mW: Double,
mH: Double,
rotation: Int) {

val newRects = mutableListOf<Rect>()

init {
for (rect in rectList) {
val x = rect.x
val y = rect.y
val rw = rect.width // rectangle width
val rh = rect.height // rectangle height

when (rotation) {
0 -> {
val xFix = mW - x - rw;
newRects.add(Rect(y, xFix.toInt(), rh, rw))
//90: no change
180 -> {
// fix height
val yFix = mH.toInt() - y - rh
newRects.add(Rect(yFix, x, rh, rw))
270 -> {
// fix height
val yFix = mH.toInt() - y - rh
newRects.add(Rect(x, yFix, rw, rh))

Now, let’s test the rectangles with all the rotations ONLY. The face landmarks may not be correct. Commit before you start to fix landmarks.

🙂4. 68 Points of Face Landmark

There’re 68 points of a facial landmark from the iBUG 300-W dataset:

1, 🔱Jaw: 1 to 17, vs array[0..16]
2, 🌛Left eyebrow: 18 to 22, vs array[17..21]
3, 🌜Right eyebrow: 23 to 27, vs array[22..26]
4, 👃🏻Nose: 28 to 36, vs array[27..35]
5, 🐍Left eye: 37 to 42, vs array[36..41]
6, 💁🏻Right eye: 43 to 48, vs array[42..47]
7, 💋Mouth: 49 to 68, vs array[48..67]

🙈5. Prepare the Fix of Facemark

We knew the orientation of 90-degree is the default screen for the detector. All we need to fix is the rotation of 0, 180, and 270. I will mark the x-axis and y-axis the rectangle of each face to visualize for x and y location.

// Draw face rectangles

// Initial landmarks
val landmarks = ArrayList<MatOfPoint2f>()

// Get landmarks, faceRects, landmarks)
// Face rectangle list
val rectList = faceRects.toList()
// draw landmarks
for (i in 0 until landmarks.size) {
val mLandmark = landmarks[i]

val mRect = rectList[i]
val mX = mRect.x
val mY = mRect.y
val mX2 = mX + mRect.width
val mY2 = mY + mRect.height
//lgi ( "cRect: $mX:$mY, $mX:$mY2, $mX2:$mY, $mX2:$mY2")
// rect: x axis
imageMat, // image
Point(mX.toDouble(), mY.toDouble()), // point a
Point(mX2.toDouble(), mY.toDouble()), // point b
WHITE.mColor, // color
4 // thickness
// rect: y axis
imageMat, // image
Point(mX.toDouble(), mY.toDouble()), // point a
Point(mX.toDouble(), mY2.toDouble()), // point b
BLUE.mColor, // color
4 // thickness

The white line is X-axis. The blue line is Y-axis. The mX, mX2, mY, and mY2 are the vertices of a face rectangle.

🍳6. Fitting the Facemark(Only the Nose)

Let’s just paint the nose section to have a clear view.

        // draw landmarks
for (i in 0 until landmarks.size) {

for (j in 27 until 36) {
val dp = mLandmark[j, 0]

val x = dp[0]
val y = dp[1]
var dot: Point = Point()
var dot2: Point = Point()

when (screenRotation) {
0 -> {
dot = Point(x, y)
imageMat, // image
dot, // location
1, // radius
YELLOW.mColor, // color
-1 // thickness
90-> {
dot = Point(x, y)
imageMat, // image
dot, // location
1, // radius
YELLOW.mColor, // color
-1 // thickness
180 -> {
dot = Point(x, y)
imageMat, // image
dot, // location
1, // radius
YELLOW.mColor, // color
-1 // thickness

270 -> {
dot = Point(x, y)
imageMat, // image
dot, // location
1, // radius
YELLOW.mColor, // color
-1 // thickness

✔️Rotation: 90

Working fine!

✔️Rotation: 0

Let’s shoot a single face.

According to the image, the new X & Y coordinates will be

val x2 = mX + ( y - mY )
val y2 = mY + ( x - mX )

Now, let’s paint the new nose.

dot2 = Point(x2, y2)
imageMat, // image
dot2, // location
1, // radius
PINK.mColor, // color
-1 // thickness


No good. It’s failed to catch the noses.

✔️Rotation: 180

The 180 rotation has similar to 0 rotation.

val x2 = mX2 - ( y - mY )
val y2 = mY + ( x - mX )

Let’s check the result.

It’s same mess. I cannot use 180 rotation.

✔️Rotation: 270

I hope 270 is working, too.

val y2 = mY2 - y + mY
dot2 = Point(x, y2)

The result is:

It’s still not good for face recognition.

🆗7. Warning of Non-90 Rotation

So far, by using OpenCV library, we can only use 90-degree rotation to process face recognition. It has a lot of errors from other orientations. If you want to use it for commercial usage, I suggest that you need to post a warning on the rotation.

val mOrientationEventListener =  object : OrientationEventListener(this) {
override fun onOrientationChanged(orientation: Int) {
// Monitors orientation values to determine the target rotation value
when (orientation) {
in 45..134 -> {
screenRotation = 270
val msg = screenRotation.toString()+ BAD_ANGLE
rotation_tv.rotation = 0F
rotation_tv.text = msg
in 135..224 -> {
screenRotation = 180
val msg = screenRotation.toString()+ BAD_ANGLE
rotation_tv.rotation = 180.0F
rotation_tv.text = msg
in 225..314 -> {
screenRotation = 90
rotation_tv.rotation = 90.0F
rotation_tv.text = screenRotation.toString()
else -> {
screenRotation = 0
val msg = screenRotation.toString()+ BAD_ANGLE
rotation_tv.rotation = 0F
rotation_tv.text = msg

companion object {
private const val BAD_ANGLE = " Bad Angle!"

Display as:



Homan Huang
Homan Huang

Written by Homan Huang

Computer Science BS from SFSU. I studied and worked on Android system since 2017. If you are interesting in my past works, please go to my LinkedIn.

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