Google Map Platform 101 — Part 2: Map Style

Homan Huang
3 min readMay 28, 2021


You can design the map style online. It’ll take two steps to make a new change on your Android application:

✒️1. Create Style of Map
⏳ 2.
Use Map Style

✒️1. Create Style of Map

Link: Styling Wizard: Google Maps APIs

Click the URL:

Now, the Cloud-based Maps Styling is still beta testing. Let’s choose the old-style wizard.


You can pick these options to show the detail level on the map.


There six themes for you to pick. I like Retro.

More options — Style Editor

You can choose more options to change the color of map materials.

I’ll change the road color to green:

Finish → JSON

You will see your JSON output. Let’s open the Map Demo project.

I create a JSON file, map_style.json .

Paste the content, you are done! ✌️

2. Use Map Style


  • Set map style function

Reading a file in the raw folder, we need a try…catch block:

* Map style
fun setMapStyle(map: GoogleMap) {
try {

} catch () {

  • Import file
val success = map.setMapStyle(


if (!success) {
lge("MapStyle: Style parsing failed.")
  • Catch error
} catch (e: Resources.NotFoundException) {
lge("MapStyle: Can't find style. Error: $e")
  • Load Map in LifecycleScope
lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated {
// Get map
val googleMap = mapFragment.awaitMap()

// Wait for map to finish loading

// set location in San Francisco



🐰Oh, yeah! ✨ The new map style is ready!



Homan Huang
Homan Huang

Written by Homan Huang

Computer Science BS from SFSU. I studied and worked on Android system since 2017. If you are interesting in my past works, please go to my LinkedIn.

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