Install WordPress: Local By Flywheel

Homan Huang
7 min readDec 12, 2020


🏄WordPress is quite easy to use Web editing tool. It combines PHP and MySQL database. So WordPress is a powerful tool, too. You can add users, leave a post, chat in the blog, send an email, and deal with E-commerce data. Local by Flywheel helps us to install all necessary software for WordPress automatically. We can develop multiple WordPress sites locally: test+preview.

— ==== MenU ==== —

🔌1. Install Local by Flywheel
⚡️2. Create a WordPress site
🍟3. Site Configuration
🍬4. Advanced Features for Local
👬5. Site: Clone, Export, Blueprint, and CLI

🔌1. Install Local by Flywheel

< === Menu

Find the Download button and download.

Local has expanded its OS support. Mine is Windows 10. You can fill in the form and check the next button.

The present version is 5.9.4, around 452MB. Let’s run it after the download finished.

The setup has finished!

⚡️2. Create a WordPress site

< === Menu

Click “I agree” for the legal document.

You’ll see the introduction of Local.

This is the last step of the setup file. Let’s configure the application.

You can check the “X” to skip the introduction dialog box.

Add a Site

Click the button “+” sign to add a new site.

I create a site name, “NewCookingEra”. By clicking “ADVANCED OPTIONS”, we can check some options on how to access the site from the browser and local path.

Let’s continue.

We can choose different settings for your server.

Let’s continue to backend setup.


It takes a while…

The site is ready. Everything is automatically installed for you, including PHP script, Ngnix server, WordPress 5.6, MYSQL, and SSL security.

🍟3. Site Configuration

< === Menu

Site Preview

Let’s click “Open Site” to take a preview.

Good! The site address and name are correct.


Let’s check “Admin” setup.

The WordPress admin has launched.

You can enter your username and pass which has done in step 2.

Wola! Your dashboard has opened. You have full control.


In the Local:

You can tab the Database,

MySQL is managed by Adminer. Click “Open Adminer”.

It has preinstalled multiple tables for WordPress.


In the Local, let’s access the Utilities.

There is your email server, MailHog.


Encryption is important for the Web site. You don’t want to leak any personal or customer info to the outside world. Let’s setup it. On the Overview of Local.

You need to click the “Trust” to trust the SSL certificate.

Check “Yes”, you’re done.

Check the site again with https://newcookingera.local/?cache-buster=322

On Chrome, it’s working but in Firefox:

Click “Advanced”,

This is the warning about the local certificate.

Click “Accept the Risk and Continue”, so you can view the site.

Stop Site

You can stop site anytime you want. By clicking,

When you reload the webpage, you’ll have,

It will be normal once you start the site again.

Live Link

If you want to test your site live, Local has that option, too. You don’t need to register a new host. By clicking the “Live Link”, everyone can temporarily access your local site.

Click “Enable”,

Copy the link to a browser:

You can test right away.

🍬4. Advanced Features for Local

< === Menu

Appearance & Behavior

  • Set Theme: Dark or Light(Default)
Dark Theme
  • Terminal 睈獯: CMD or GitBash
  • Browser: Automatically search for you.

Firefox is not compatible with Local.

New Site Defaults

The environment can be set in Preferred or Custom. You have set PHP version and MySQL version already. Nothing new is in here.


You can decide on compression type which is depending on your OS. No need to change.


You can choose Site Domains or Localhost. Second, if you’re a Local software developer, you can turn on the Develop Menu.


If you have saved a site blueprint, you will find one here.

👬5. Site: Clone, Export, Blueprint, and CLI

< === Menu

Clone the Site

The quickest way to create a new site is cloning.

Give the site a new name.

Permission: Yes.

Now, 2 sites are running. A new brother is born. The new clone copied all of the data from the original site except the domain name.

Export the Site

If you want your data to a different computer or host, you can use the Export option.

“Export Site”



It likes the clone, but it starts a site like a new site.

Give a new name and save.

Now, let’s try to create a site from Blueprint.

The new site has the same content, theme, plugin, and configuration.


You can access your site through CMD.

I have introduced you to the functions of Local. Now, you can use them to create your WordPress website.



Homan Huang
Homan Huang

Written by Homan Huang

Computer Science BS from SFSU. I studied and worked on Android system since 2017. If you are interesting in my past works, please go to my LinkedIn.

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