Interesting Kotlin Technique: High Order Function(Function as a Parameter/ Return a Function)

Homan Huang
3 min readNov 4, 2020


In Kotlin, you can call another function in a function’s parameter.

— +++ Menu +++ —

🙈1. No Parameter
. With Parameter(s)
. Test with 1 parameter
. Test with 2 parameters

🙈1. No Parameter

< === Menu

For example, I create a function called


import kotlin.reflect.KFunction0// compare input and max
// true: call refA
// false: call refB
fun compareInput (
input: Int,
max: Int,
refA: KFunction0<Unit>,
refB: KFunction0<Unit>
) {
if (input > max)

Easy, right?

Let’s call some functions:

fun showA() { println("Show content A") }
fun showB() { println("Show content B") }
fun showC() { println("Show content C") }
fun showD() { println("Show content D") }

I can call different results from their references.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
compareInput( 1, 3, ::showA, ::showB )
compareInput( 4, 3, ::showA, ::showB )
compareInput( -2, 3, ::showC, ::showD )
compareInput( 5, 3, ::showC, ::showD )

My output:

Show content B 
Show content A
Show content D
Show content C

🙉2. With Parameter(s)

< === Menu

The parameter is easy to add.

You have learned that 0 parameter is:

import kotlin.reflect.KFunction0KFunction0<Unit>

1 parameter:

import kotlin.reflect.KFunction1KFunction1<String, Unit>

2 parameters:

import kotlin.reflect.KFunction2KFunction2<String, Customer, Unit>

Don’t you see the pattern?

🐹3. Test with 1 parameter

< === Menu

I mix 0 parameter function and 1 parameter function:

import kotlin.reflect.KFunction1
import kotlin.reflect.KFunction0
// compare input and max
// true: call refA
// false: call refB
fun compareInput (
input: Int,
max: Int,
refA: KFunction1<String, Unit>,
refB: KFunction0<Unit>
) {
if (input > max)

Same, I call four functions:

fun showA(winner:String) { println("A: Wining # $winner") }
fun showB() { println("Max is the winner") }
fun showC(winner:String) { println("C set: My winner is $winner") }
fun showD() { println("Winner is Max.") }

The main() is the same. Output as:

Max is the winner 
A: Wining # 4
Winner is Max.
C set: My winner is 5

Working fine.

🎎4. Test with 2 parameters

< === Menu

I mix 1 parameter function and 2 parameters function:

import kotlin.reflect.KFunction1
import kotlin.reflect.KFunction2
// compare input and max
// true: call refA
// false: call refB
fun compareInput (
input: Int,
max: Int,
refA: KFunction1<String, Unit>,
refB: KFunction2<Int, String, Unit>
) {
if (input > max)
refB(input, "failed")


fun showA(winner:String) { println("A: Wining # $winner") }
fun showB(input:Int, msg:String) {
println("Input is the $input. It's $msg.")
fun showC(winner:String) { println("C set: My winner is $winner") }
fun showD(input:Int, msg:String) {
println("Input($input) has $msg the competition.")

Same main(). Output as:

Input is the 1. It's failed. 
A: Wining # 4
Input(-2) has failed the competition.
C set: My winner is 5

All of them are working great!

😅, don’t you like to use this type of reflection?

Try it yourself!

This technique can save you a lot of codes.

More Example:

Android: Bottom Side EditText Position Shifting




Homan Huang
Homan Huang

Written by Homan Huang

Computer Science BS from SFSU. I studied and worked on Android system since 2017. If you are interesting in my past works, please go to my LinkedIn.

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