Java Spring on Windows 10 Part 1: Spring Framework

Homan Huang
4 min readAug 15, 2020


In this part, you shall learn how to install the Spring Framework(download + unzip), configure the Eclipse, and write your first Spring bean. No more chit-chat. It’s cooking time. Let’s start to burn some coffee.

🌿1. Install Spring Framework
🍳2. Setup Eclipse
☕️3. Create a Spring Demo

🌿1. Install Spring Framework

Install Apache Common Logging API

Download the latest version:

On 8/14/2020:

Unzip to “DRIVE:\comlog”. Mine is “D:\comlog”.

In the PATH of Environment Variables, please add “D:\comlog”.

Install Spring Framework

Download the latest version:

On 8/14/2020: 5.2.8.RELEASE\

Unzip the file to “DRIVE:\spring”. Mine is “D:\spring”.

In the PATH of Environment Variables, please add “D:\sping\libs”.

🍳2. Setup Eclipse

Let’s open a new Java project.

I don’t need a module yet.

Add Spring Libraries

Right-click your project to choose “Properties Alt+Enter”.

Click: Java Build Path => Libraries => Classpath => Add External JARs

Add commons-logging-1.2:

Try again: Classpath => Add External JARs

Apply and Close.

☕️3. Create a Spring Demo

Let’s add two classes. prints a message.

public class Hello {
private String msg;

public void setChicken (String s) {
this.msg = s;

public void getChicken() {
System.out.println("Message: "+msg);
} handles the application context.

public class SpringApp {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext context =
new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
Hello mHello =
(Hello) context.getBean("hello");

The getBean() links a bean(id=hello) to a Java object. Here, it links to the Hello class.

Bring in the Addon to Ease Your Work.

Let’s add an addon, Spring Tools, to help us to create the Beans.xml.

After the installation, you need to restart Eclipse.

Don’t forget to save the files.

Create Beans.XML


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""


Let’s add a new bean.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=...>

<bean id = "hello" class = "com.homanspring.Hello">
<property name = "chicken" value = "Hello to Spring World!"/>


Let me show you how do they map each other.


Message: Hello to Spring World!

Working Fine.




Homan Huang

Computer Science BS from SFSU. I studied and worked on Android system since 2017. If you are interesting in my past works, please go to my LinkedIn.