Note#1 about 太乙金华宗旨——Chinese Dao Meditation

Homan Huang
4 min readMay 6, 2021


😀: Five thousand-year ago, priests of the Chinese tribes had practiced meditation. Around one thousand year-ago, a Dao master🎓 who was a religious leader, LyuDongBin(吕洞宾) collected teachings of meditation and simplified them to educate his students. His student recorded his teaching into a book, TaiYiJinHuaZongZhi — — 太乙金华宗旨 or Das Geheimnis der Goldenen Blüte: ein chinesisches Lebensbuch in German, as the main teaching material of Dao in the 🧭northern region of China.

To be honest, I have not opened the third eye, yet. I will update this story with pictures to describe what I have seen.

  • Day#1, My Doorway is expanding. I am trying to shake it and dance at the same time. I feel itchy between my eyes. It’s hard to catch the light.
  • Day#2, it’s super hard to quiet your mind. Sometimes, I can lose consciousness for a minute or two. And then I worried that I may not be breathing again. I can absorb light < 10s. It’s so hard.
  • Day#4, I have seen a golden wire in a glimpse, but it is very unstable. I can not use native eyes to see or I will lose the data. 似乎有条金线,似有似无。
  • Day#6, I tried to study this image which was related to the 3rd eye.
Quantum Tangled Status

You’d understand the Quantum Tangling. The third eye may be sensitive under open and not open status. 量子纠缠态,生和死 存在在同一空间。

  • Day#12, I learn that you need to send or ask a spiritual creature to guard you before the meditation; in case of an accident happened, so you can wake up. 练习前,意念分派出守护者很重要。为防止意外,你可以醒过来。
  • Day#13, I can feel that I stand in front of the cliff as I breathe in, and watch like the image above as I breathe out. 吸气,感觉象座山,呼气用天眼图。
  • Day#19, I can feel the sun between 6AM and 7AM. According to Chapter 3, I need to continue this feeling for 100 days to open the door. 在早上6点 到 7点之间,我能感觉到太阳,起来打坐感受第三只眼。根据第三章描述,这种感觉得持续 100 天。 I notice that the nose of the image is very special. It makes me focus on the tip of the nose. 三星堆天眼面具的鼻子很形象,似乎在教你如何呼吸。
  • Day#22, I can feel a tunnel between the front spot (the median of two eyebrows), and the back of the skull. The back of the skull has an acupuncture point called 脑户(Nao3 Hu4)closed like a door. 有一条能量通道在印堂和脑户之间,脑户是关闭的。
  • Day#30, nothing has improved. I can easily feel the front and the back. I am trying to force the tunnel to expand. 毫无进展。
  • Day#33, the book claims the singular point locates at the tip of the nose. I am trying to focus on that point. My nose keeps shaking, and the back of my skull has felt high pressure at once. There’s no negative feedback yet. I guess this is the right direction. 鼻尖是突破口,由鼻尖将能量吸入印堂。
  • Day#42, I have the cool sense to the top of my head. Still, I have no clue how to open the light tunnel. Or I have opened the third spot at 12 o’clock. My front is at 3 and my back is at 9. You can describe my feeling as two-dimension. In 3D, my ear tips are also at 3 and 9. They have pressure, too.百汇有情凉的感觉,仅此而已。

Chapter 1 —— 第一章


Dao is the way to understand nature. 自然之道包括了数理化,哲学和阴阳。这里是指👶人。Here, it describes our body and spirit in human beings. We cannot identify Dao by modern physics. We can not test or measure the existence of spirit. Furthermore, we cannot identify the level of spirit. We are some elementary students under the Alien’s view. 所以道无名相,但又可以理解为 元神。因为现代神话类游戏的普遍,元神更容易理解一些。We can separate our body into two parts: one exterior ME and inner ME. You can make inner ME equal to our spirit.


We cannot see our spirits because we are trapped inside the body. Our nature eyes have lost the function to sense the information from the higher dimension after we were born. 就是说天眼因为后天的限制,无法观察高维度的信息,如红外线,紫外线,电磁波等等。但是祖先的经验告诉了我们两眼之间有个区域可以接收这些资料的。By elder’s experience, we shall understand that we still can receive that unidentified info by a sector between our eyes. To deny something we cannot see, that’s not science. A scientist or a pioneer shall find a way to remove the obstacle in front of our spiritual eye. Let’s think about a world with all of the people who can 🔬sense the data between atoms without any device. Our technology must be 🚀10 times advance than modern living. 如果每一个人都能感应到另一个层次的资讯,我们的科技将会得到快速的飞跃。


This is history about this teaching. 历史嘛,开始的时候,免费教育,盛极一时。In the beginning, the Dao master taught people by ❌💰free and a lot of people followed. However, not everyone could sense the information of higher dimension; people became to start talking instead of feeling the way of Dao. Most of the correct meditations had lost their teaching because we didn’t have a device to record what we sense in our mind and educate our next generation🚸. 直到现在,我们也没有机器去记载我们的感知,这就是我们很难将我们学到的感知的东西传承给下一代的原因。We can write, talk or paint them, but it’s extremely difficult to let people understand your feeling or senses. 你是能画,说,或者写出来,但是你要是让别人懂你的意思的话,就是千难万难了。


These were the words about a student who talked about this teaching invented by LyuDongBin. He thought his master’s teaching was the best of the best🏌. 你们大概也会问:“最好的教育方法,是吗?你明白码?我明白吗?这也太难了。” 无可厚非,自信满满100分🏆!


First of our sight in the between the dimension is Golden🌟Light. The writer had quoted a book and words from different religions' teachings to tell us to observe the same location between the eyes. We can call it our doorway. The key is the Golden 🌟Light. 门就在两眼之间,静下心来,观想,看见😉金光你就入门了。但是,每个人可能看到的都不一样,不一定是金光, 每个元神都是独一无二的,每一世的记忆都会储存在上帝的记忆体中。世上无绝对,只有真情趣。这句广告词,我最喜欢。You may have seen stuff differently which were curved in your spirit. I am not talking about your DNA. DNA is just a link to your physical world. You must catch the light during the quiet mind, no other way.



Homan Huang
Homan Huang

Written by Homan Huang

Computer Science BS from SFSU. I studied and worked on Android system since 2017. If you are interesting in my past works, please go to my LinkedIn.

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