Third Eye 2 — Usnisa Vijaya Core Mantra(佛頂尊勝咒)

Homan Huang
4 min readNov 11, 2021


It’s fun to chant this mantra. It helps me to focus the energy on the third eye. The third eye is our wifi switch to the 👻SOUL-NET. I am not talking about the material network. The higher dimension network is on a different level. Even our internet is simulated to the SOUL-NET. Our soul is an IP but not like IP(one ID only). When one human are acting on the present life, background soul is in sleep mode. The 3rd eye can wake up the sleep mode. After death, we break the wire to physical body, so the soul in wakes up mode. At that moment, we enter in-between life. 打开三眼看世界。Religion groups call it as judgment moment. 审判日是不存在的,只不过是人臆想而已。No such thing if we don’t think like humans. Death →In-Between →Life. This is a cycle💫. 佛说:生死轮回,六道联网。

==> Begin (咒语开始)

🙄Take a look at this statue. The front one is a White happy face. The right one is Yellow mercy face. The left one is a Blue angry face. We practice on these 3 colors. This mantra has active rhythms and contains emotions of happiness, mercy, and angry. 佛像有三面,正面发白光是个欢喜像,天目打开。右边是黄色慈悲像。左边是蓝色怒像。而你就坐镇在天目后方。所以持此咒是欢快的节奏,有三种心情在里面。

  1. Let’s sit down. 盘腿安坐。
  2. Split yourself into 3 parts and move away from you. How far? I don’t know. That depends on your feeling. 分身护法,左边蓝色金刚,右边黄色观音,中间白色如来,加持,你呆在中间,安全吧!Sing唱:“波于蓝者利(Bo Yu Lan Zhe Li)” x 7 times次。
  3. It is not a problem to have eight hands. Just think about them. 三头八臂,比哪吒厉害吧?练的时候想像加上去。

1. ⛓ Begin the connection to Buddha’s world。链接佛陀世界

Repeat: 3 times.

摩,达,呀 = Na mo, Boo da, Ya
摩,吗,呀 = Na mo, Dum ma, Ya
摩,伽,呀 = Na mo, Sen ga, Ya

2. Call for Sikyamuni — Creator of Buddha。釋迦牟尼佛心咒

Repeat: 3 times or 108 times.

Some teams skip this part and begin with Om.

`(Om ← Short Strong— vibration from the third eye。我用这个字最接近,其实粤语系(广东,广西,越南)更好 →推开的意思)!
尼(Moo ni),尼(Moo ni),哈(Ma ha)

乃(Moo nai)`(`Ya
Sor)… Ha)…

In the spiritual world, we take a break between life and death. Through the third eye, we can ask the former leaders to teach👨‍🏫️ us. No matter Jesus, or Sakyamuni, they are all there. 在精神宇宙,通过第三眼,我们可以请求以前的先行者对我们教导,如耶稣或者释迦牟尼。

3. Main Part--佛母尊胜咒

Programming pattern: Music note, 2/4 rhythm,
Black → High Pitch(高音), ` → Short(短音)
I am working on its coding pattern as C/C++, Java, or Kotlin. Mantra belongs to the sound vibration energy field. Over 2000 years, the Tibet society was living in a slavery society, which is totally against Buddha’s will. This shows us they have lost the programming technique, and the mantra has become a private tool of a personal group. 佛咒属于声音编程系统,都上万年了,真真假假,古代和现代都混在了一起。自唐以来,西藏仍然活在农奴社会,这跟释迦牟尼所畅想大同社会是相反的。你就知道咒语参假有多严重,甚至解释也会参假。咒语成了某个团体的私人统治工具。The code from ancient is not always right for us, because the universe has changed. 外宇宙变化万千,这咒语就会有相应变化。

Part 1:

摩(Na mor),嘎(Ba ga),嗲(Wa de)
楼(Drai lou),牙(Gi ya)
铺啦跌(Pra te)
西斯(We sis),呀(Da ya)
答呀(Poo da ya)

嘎(Ba ga),跌(Wa te)
地(Da di),搭(Ya da)

Part 2:

V 输 (Vi shoo)呀(Da ya),V 输 (Vi shoo)呀(Da ya)
萨(Ar sa),萨(Ma sa),萨(Ma sa)
他(Murn ta)吧(Wa ba),
萨斯发(Sas fa),Ra哪(Ra na)
地(Ga te),哈(Ga ha),
哪…搜(Na sou),哇(Ba wa),
V 输 (Vi soo),…(De …)

Part 3:

星(ar Bi sin)都(Jan doo)
猛…苏(Man soo)搭(Ga ta)
Ra(Wa ra)哇疆哪(Wa Jan na)
美(Ar mei)他(Li ta)
比(Ar bi)盖(Sei gai)

哈(Ma ha)
抓(Man tra)呆(Pa dai)

阿(Ar)哈Ra(Ha ra),ArRa(Ha ra)

Part 4:

尤(Ar you),三…搭(San ta)尼(Na ni)

索搭呀(Sor Da ya),索搭呀(Sor Da ya)
嘎嘎哪(Ga Ga na),V 输跌(V Soo De)

姿(Woo zi)尼沙Ni sha)
V 加呀(V Jia ya),V 输跌(V Soo De)

哈(Sa ha)
瓦 , 啦师咪(s Wa — Rash mi)
究(Sam jiu),跌(Di te)

都啊(Sa doo ar),他(Da ta),嘎…他(Ga ta)

Part 5:

哇(Ar wa),露咔尼(Lou Ka ni)
`撒啪(`Sa pa),Ra咪(Ra mi)

踏…趴尼(Ta Pa ni),扑…拉尼(Pu La ni)
都啊(Sa doo ar),他(Da ta),嘎…他(Ga ta)

Part 6:

地(Ma ti),撒(Da sa)
咪(Boo mi),不啦低(Bra di),贴(Shi te)
都啊(Sa doo ar),他(Da ta),他(Ga ta)

Part 7:

丝绿,搭呀(Three Da ya)
低失(Ar di shi),搭哪Da Na),失地(Dish di)

达吗哈(Da Ma ha),住虐(Mu Dre)

住Ra(Wa dri ra)
呀(Ka ya),哈(Sum Ha)
哪(Da na),V 跌(V Shoo de)

都啊(Sa doo ar),染呐(Wa ra na)
呀(ar Pa ya),嘎地(Nu ga ti)
里(Pa ri),V `跌(V `Shoo de)

扑Ra梯(Pra ti),哇(Ni wa),呀(Da ya)
尤(Ar you)跌(`Shoo de)

Part 8:

嘛呀(Sam ma ya)
斯(ar Di s)跌(Di de)

尼(Ma ni),尼(Ma ni),哈(Ma ha)
尼(Ma ni),他(Da ta)
布(Ta bu),故帝(Ta gu ti)

里(Pa ri),`跌(`Shoo de)

V 斯(V s),他(Pu ta)
提(Bu ti),`跌(`Shoo de)

呀(Jia ya),呀(Jia ya)
V呀(V Jia ya),V呀(V Jia ya)

Ra(si Ma ra),斯Ra(si Ma ra)
都啊(Sa doo ar),搭(Bu da)

帝斯(Ar Di s),他(Di ta)
`跌(`Shoo de)

Part 9:

住里(Wa zu li),住啦(Wa u la)
憋(Ga be)

住楞(Wa dri rum),哇(Ba wa)
都吗吗Du ma ma),`里任(`Sa ri rum)

都啊(Sa doo ar),都啊(Sa doo ar)

加(Num jia),呀(Ga ya)
里(Pa ri),V ` V `Shoo de)

都啊(Sa doo ar),地(Ga di)
里(Pa ri),` `Soo de)

都啊(Sa doo ar),他(Da ta),他(Ga ta)

Part 11:

加美(Sin ja mei)
吗(San ma),沙(Si U Ar sa),都(Yang doo)
都啊(Sa doo ar),他(Da ta),他(Ga ta)

Part 12:

吗(San ma),沙(Si U Ar sa)
帝斯(Ar dis),跌(Di de)

提呀(Bu di ya),提呀(Bu di ya)
V菩提呀(V Bu di ya),V菩提呀(V Bu di ya)

搭呀(Bor da ya),搭呀(Bor da ya)
V波搭呀(V Bor da ya),V波搭呀(V Bor da ya)

曼搭(San man da)
里(Ba li),`跌(`Shoo de)
都啊(Sa doo ar),他(Da ta),他(Ga ta)

Part 13 :

丝绿,搭呀(Three Da ya)
低失(Ar di shi),搭哪Da Na),失地(Dish di)

达吗哈(Da Ma ha),住虐(Mu Dre)

索(Suo)… 哈(Ha)…


4. Inner Mantra

Om) — 3rd eye
隆(Pu long)
哈(Sou Ha)

Om) — 3rd eye
达(ar Mi da)
尤(Ar you )地(Da di)
哈(Sou Ha)

5. Links 连接



Homan Huang
Homan Huang

Written by Homan Huang

Computer Science BS from SFSU. I studied and worked on Android system since 2017. If you are interesting in my past works, please go to my LinkedIn.

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